Thursday 31 July 2014

31/07/2014 ~ #NicholasA ~ 15 Success Habits You Need To Develop. #10. Focusing on Success.

Someone once said “Every great story on the planet happened when someone  in the past decided not to give up, but kept going no matter what”.

One of the wisest thing every success minded individual need to always do is to learn from those who have been there before i.e. learning from history.

 In the years gone by and even presently there are individuals that have succeeded in that field or project you wish to succeed in. It’s a good thing to learn how they did, why they failed in the areas they did, what made them stand out when others didn’t, and how they sustained success.  

Every high achiever always have someone highly successful they look up to, be it a living person, a legend in ancient stories or some high achiever of the past. Reading books written by people who were giants in their field of work is like absorbing their essence, having a feel of what they did. The more you think about and learn from their takes on life, the more alike you become.

There are so many things to learn from those who have made it in the past and even those who failed. Their successes tells you what you can do to get there while their failures tells you what you need to avoid if you want to get there. 

On a lighter note someone once said "nobody is useless in life, if they are good, they are used as good examples, and if they are bad, they are used as bad examples". And that is quite true. 

Going down history, there are some legends who you will never want to be like and there are also those whose shoe you will be glad to walk in. 

So go read up on the people you admire whether living or legend, cos' reading the biographies, works and reviews of successful people attracts success. 

Have a great day. 

I honour you.

T: @ItsNicholasAE
G+: +NicholasAkomire

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