Monday 30 June 2014

30/06/2014 ~ #NicholasA ~ Never Loose Faith In You - 2!

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen. Faith speaks of the things that are to come not the ones that already are.

The fact that you are not a major influencer of current happenings in our society today does not mean you will not become one some day.
Dale Partridge once said: If you can't do great big things, do great little things."

It is the little things that sums up to become the mighty things that we celebrate today. A man who has been found fateful and competent in little will certainly gain recommendations for higher things.
All you need to do is to keep believing in your abilities. Know that you become better by doing more. Your skills improve and you become more confident of yourself.

Only he who attempts the absurd is capable of achieving the impossible ~ Miguel de Unamuno

No matter how big you want to achieve in life, until you start, there is no telling how far you can go.

All you need do is to patiently prepare, wait for, recognize and utilize opportunities that comes your way. And you will surely get there.

Keep on keeping on.

Have a great week.

I honour you.

T: @ItsNicholasAE
G+: +NicholasAkomire

Sunday 29 June 2014

29/06/2014 ~ #NicholasA ~ Never Loose Faith in You!

We live in a society today where nothing seems to be working out - security, roads, electricity, education, health etc. They seem to be getting worse by the day.  None of these is encouraging because we have people at the helm of affairs that has not taken the right decisions.

These happenings directly affects everyone of us in one way or the other. It limits our productivity and abilities to the extent that a good number of us have given up Hope that it can get better.

The truth is this, our nation's performance today is a sum of the individual inputs and growth strides of all put together. We are where we are because the average citizen has little or no believe in his or her abilities to make a difference in the current situation.

Know this, You may loose faith in the nation, but never loose faith in yourself. There is still so much that you can do, don't let it slip away.

When we all believe in ourselves and strive to make our individual little inputs, we will end up with a nation of people who are all working towards a better tomorrow.

And I believe we will get there.

To be continued...

Have a wonderful Sunday thanksgiving.

Only God deserves our praise.

I honour you.

T: @ItsNicholasAE
G+: +NicholasAkomire

Saturday 28 June 2014

28/06/2014 ~ Love People for Who They Are!

Every human created by God was designed unique and was destined to fulfill a purpose, be it major or minor.

Though so many things happens along the way that might change the original uniqueness of some persons, we all still carry that seed of greatness.

Oprah Winfrey once wrote "Love people for who they are instead of judging them for who they are not."

This has become the easiest thing to do in today's society and it has created more problems and hatred than good. We amplify the incompetencies we see in others without giving them credit for the good in them.

Someone said "people will remember the bad things about you for a long time but your good nature will easily be forgotten". This should not be so.

If our desire is to live in a society of harmony and peace, we must learn to develop love and respect for every individual that comes around us.

We must try to focus on the good in them while we encourage them to become better in the areas where they have been bad rather than labeling them such.

Just like the bible has said "Love thy neighbor as thyself", lets develop that nature that loves. We can't have the world becoming a 'better place' if we all run around with hatred for each other.

Let Love lead the way.

Have a fun filled Saturday!

I honour you.

T: @ItsNicholasAE
G+: +NicholasAkomire

Friday 27 June 2014

27/06/2014 ~ Be Nice, It's Not Just About You All The Time!

One of the things I have come to understand while working with different individuals over time is the fact that some persons have not learnt how to keep family issues at home and truly be at their work or study place with the attention and right frame of mind that it deserves.  
That's why you find some persons acting weird or unfriendly even in the morning when they just resumed.  

They will easily pick up a quarrel over issues that do not demand it and they will give you unfriendly response when you need their services or help.

Though this is not professional, and such individuals must learn to actually "be at work or study place when they are there" and lock up on whatever might be happening in their personal lives while they are at work, we still need to learn to work with such persons whenever we encounter one.  

The first thing you must know is that, Everyone you meet is fighting their own battles (health, relationship, family, financial etc.), learn to be gentle. Quarreling with them or trying to point out they are wrong at that point in time will definitely not help matters. 

Try to understand what's causing their frustration and anger if you are close to them, otherwise, learning to bear with them is key. 

Ignore how bad they treated you and cut them some slack, but when you get to realize that it's becoming too consistent, you might need talking to his or her boss or friend.

And most importantly, do not allow them to ruin your own day. You owe yourself a happy day.

Finally, do say a prayer for them and wish the well. 


I honour you. 

T: @ItsNicholasAE  
G+: +NicholasAkomire 

Thursday 26 June 2014

26/06/2014 ~ #NicholasA ~ An Amazing Day ~ Part 2!

Let me share with you an article I read recently. It’s called “The Law of the Garbage Truck”.
Today I hopped in a taxi and we took off for the airport.

We were driving in the right lane when suddenly a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver slammed on his brakes, skidded, and missed the other car by just inches.
The driver of the other care whipped his head around and started yelling at us. My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. And I mean, really friendly.

So I asked, “Why did you just do that? This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital”.
This is when my taxi driver taught me what I now call, “The Law of the Garbage Truck.”

He explained that many people are like garbage truck. They run around full of garbage (frustration, anger, and disappointments, grudges, etc.). As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it and sometimes they’ll dump it on you on slightest chance they get.

Don’t take it personally. Just smile, wave and wish them well, and move on. Don’t take their garbage and spread it to other people at work, at home, or on the streets. 

The key thing is: you will always come across them everyday, if you take on their garbage, your Amazing day is gone and you might become the new garbage truck. 

Do have a #GarbageFree Thursday!

I honour you.

T: @ItsNicholasAE 
G+: +NicholasAkomire

Wednesday 25 June 2014

25/06/2014 ~ #NicholasA ~ An Amazing Day!

If we were all given the opportunity to describe in our own view, what an Amazing day is, we would have several perspective but would point in one direction: a day where you achieved something that made you proud of yourself or a day where you surpassed your expectations. 

The truth is, the world is not ready to hand you an Amazing day everytime, you have to create that for yourself. That's why you find out that sometimes you begin a day filled with great smiles,  high hopes and expectations but at the day's end, you are less motivated than you started it and you've become frustrated and unhappy. 

This is because you were not in control of your day.  

Begin your day by asking yourself this question: How can I make this day Amazing? 

It’s a simple question but it’s so powerful. By simply asking yourself “How can I make today amazing?” you make yourself realize that you are in control of how your day goes and how you feel about it. Then, do the things to make it amazing! 

Being in control means deciding what you should be doing at every moment and knowing fully well what you hope to achieve. This will help you keep track of yourself.  

It also entails you doing more of the things you love doing, even if it is for free, for in there you will always be satisfied.  

Thirdly, love the job you do,  your work environment, the course you are studying, the service you render etc. You can never have an Amazing day if you don't. There is a popular adage that says "a bird in hand is worth more than 10,000 birds in the Bush". While you aim for a higher job and a better work environment, appreciate the one you have now. It helps you feel satisfied in the end if the day. 

To be continued..  

Have a blessed Wednesday.  

I honour You! 

T: @ItsNicholasAE  
G+: +NicholasAkomire 

Tuesday 24 June 2014

24/06/2014 ~#NicholasA Love Who You Are!

Someone once said, "there is only one person you spend your whole life with, and that is yourself. If you aren't ok with you, there is an issue". 

The key to living a happy life begins with you. You can never feel true happiness if you are not satisfied with the man or woman you've grown to become. 

You must learn to tell yourself every now and then that you are special and that you deserve the good things of life. 

This does not mean that there should be no effort to improve, what it means is that you are celebrating yourself for having come thus far and achieved this much. 

It will help to boost your confidence to pursue the next big dream.

In places where you have succeeded, some persons failed, the things you find easy, some would not even dare venture it, the dreams you have, a lot of people are not thinking in that direction. 

It all indicates that you are unique and special in your own way and that's why at the end of every post I send out, I would always add "I honour you". 

But lets not forget, every physical manifestation has a spiritual foundation and thus you must appreciate Him who has given you grace and privilege to have come this far. 

In like manner, you must also learn to forgive yourself in areas where you have failed and have not measured up. If you don't, it creates a failure mentality in your mind and this hinders your ability to dream and achieve. 

Have a blissful Tuesday. 

I honour You!

T: @ItsNicholasAE  
G+: +NicholasAkomire 

Monday 23 June 2014

23/06/2014 ~#NicholasA ~ The Makers, The Wonderers, The Watchers

In every society you find these people: The Makers, The Wonderers, The Watchers. 

The Makers are the change agent. They have dreams and they pursue these dream with all they’ve got. They have the mindset that every other thing they have is to help them achieve that dream and they go all out at it. And they create new things, new achievements, new heights, and new possibilities, new rules. They are never afraid to fail and whenever they do, they pick themselves up and have a go at it again. They make history.

The Wonderers are always amazed at new things, they want to know how it happened and what made it happen. They are fascinated and will quickly embrace it if given the opportunity but they will never create anything new themselves. They are the history tellers.

The Watchers are not bothered about new things. They do not dream it neither will they venture into it. They are always satisfied with whatever state they are in. They never want to be stressed cos’ they are too afraid to fail. 

Someone once said that “teachers teach the rules, but winners make them”. Do you wake up everyday to teach the rules or you are working hard at creating one for someone else to teach?

“It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishments rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things ~ Leonardo da Vinci.

Don’t let things happen to you, go happen to things. 

Confession: I work towards my success every day.

Have an awesome Week Ahead!

I Honour you!

T: @ItsNicholasAE 
G+: +NicholasAkomire

Sunday 22 June 2014

22/06/2014 ~ #Nicholas ~ Reaching For New!

Be it a new job, a new skill, a new idea, a new method, a new environment etc. they all bring the same feeling - the hope that they will be better than what we already have.

But sometimes, we bring the mindset of the old into the new instead of embracing it as it is forgetting that you cannot do the same thing over and over again but yet expect a different result (someone once said it is the definition of madness).

The truth is, you can’t reach for anything new if your hands are still filled with yesterday’s junks.

To enjoy the new, you have to open your mind to change, you have to let go of the habits and protocols that are contrary to the new. But then you will ask, where does my experience come to play?

The decision to let go of that which has completed its course in your experience is even more important than the decision to welcome new ideas.

You cannot walk forward by looking backward. New wine cannot be put into old bottles, for the Bibles states that the old bottles will break. Your experience helps you to know what had worked and what hasn’t, what should depart from your life and what should stay ~ Raymond Charles Barker.

Henry David once wrote “Never look back unless you are planning to go that way”. Look forward, for that is where you want to be .

The fact that you seek the new means the old hasn’t been all you wanted. Let go of the old and enjoy the new.

Happy Sunday!

I honour you!

T: @ItsNicholasAE
G+: +NicholasAkomire

Saturday 21 June 2014

21/06/2014 ~ #NicholasA -~ Dear Weekend!

Dear Weekend,

It’s so lovely to finally have you after a long wait that seems like forever.
Your arrival have been long awaited by both the old and young.

I am very pleased to write you this letter and tell you how I feel, as I could not find you anywhere to tell you in person and nobody I have asked seems to have any contact details for you, yet you are so popular.

You see, I’ve heard people talking about you. I hear things like: “this weekend is gonna be really fun”, “can’t just wait for the weekend to come”, “Oh no, it’s morning again, I wish it was the weekend”, and the most popular of them all is “thank God it’s Friday (TGIF)”...Hmmmm

It makes me wonder, can’t you just come whenever we need you? Oh, you would not be that special anymore? Well I agree with you. It’s not a nice thing to become so cheap.

But, I admit it: I’m never happy to see you go, I dread that feeling in the evenings, and on the way to events, and from what I see on my Facebook and Twitter feeds, no one else want to see you go either.

Maybe because it’s in you that all the really fun things happen: the weddings, the fun trips, the movies, the games, the celebrations, the singing and dancing and so many other cool stuffs, or maybe it’s because I don’t have to hurry out of bed in the morning trying to meet up with time…Hmmmmm…it’s quite a nice feeling.

Anyway, I think I have to end this letter here so that I can have enough time to have fun while you are here, we never know when you pack your bags and leave and we have Monday suddenly knocking on the door (that guy is so serious it’s not funny, please tell him to delay a bit).

Once again, it’s nice to have you here.

Please do stay a bit longer this time.

Do have a wonderful weekend relaxation and celebration.

T: @ItsNicholasAE
G+: +NicholasAkomire

21/06/2014 ~ #NicholasA -~ Dear Weekend!

Dear Weekend,

It’s so lovely to finally have you after a long wait that seems like forever.
Your arrival have been long awaited by both the old and young.

I am very pleased to write you this letter and tell you how I feel, as I could not find you anywhere to tell you in person and nobody I have asked seems to have any contact details for you, yet you are so popular.

You see, I’ve heard people talking about you. I hear things like: “this weekend is gonna be really fun”, “can’t just wait for the weekend to come”, “Oh no, it’s morning again, I wish it was the weekend”, and the most popular of them all is “thank God it’s Friday (TGIF)”...Hmmmm

It makes me wonder, can’t you just come whenever we need you? Oh, you would not be that special anymore? Well I agree with you. It’s not a nice thing to become so cheap.

But, I admit it: I’m never happy to see you go, I dread that feeling in the evenings, and on the way to events, and from what I see on my Facebook and Twitter feeds, no one else want to see you go either.

Maybe because it’s in you that all the really fun things happen: the weddings, the fun trips, the movies, the games, the celebrations, the singing and dancing and so many other cool stuffs, or maybe it’s because I don’t have to hurry out of bed in the morning trying to meet up with time…Hmmmmm…it’s quite a nice feeling.

Anyway, I think I have to end this letter here so that I can have enough time to have fun while you are here, we never know when you pack your bags and leave and we have Monday suddenly knocking on the door (that guy is so serious it’s not funny, please tell him to delay a bit).

Once again, it’s nice to have you here.

Please do stay a bit longer this time.

Do have a wonderful weekend relaxation and celebration.

T: @ItsNicholasAE
G+: +NicholasAkomire

Friday 20 June 2014

20/06/2014 ~ #NicholasA ~ What To Do When The Idea Is No Longer Interesting!

Be it’s a business idea, a project, or an event, getting an awesome idea fully fleshed out and organized into an executable plan is always tedious and time consuming, no matter how much you love it.
But what happens when, after all those long hours of planning, sketches and drafts, and hair pulled out, you don’t actually love the idea anymore?
In our execution-obsessed culture, it can be really hard to pump the brakes—especially if money has been spent, superiors, and time is ticking. But paying attention to that creeping feeling may be your smartest decision yet. Why? Because if something feels wrong about it, it probably is.
The good news? That feeling doesn’t necessarily mean you need to trash the whole idea. If you’re feeling a little wobbly about a plan in action, here are four ways to get to the root of what’s gone wrong—and how to get back on track.
1. Dig Out the Nugget
Forget whatever writing you might have done — when you first thought of the idea, what excited you about it most? What were you hoping to accomplish? How would it benefit you, your organization or the people around you?
Sometimes, we get so obsessed with the brainstorming and planning phase that we lose the essence of why we thought it was such an awesome idea to begin with.
Once you’re clear on the why—and, just as importantly, on what you want the end result to be—go back to your plans. What can you salvage? What needs to go? Be ruthless.
2. Bring in External Counsel
There’s something really amazing that happens when people come together to execute on an idea. In the beginning at least. And then? It can be mayhem. When you work really closely with the same people on an idea you all really care about, you tend to adopt a group narrative about the project—it’s a phenomenon called “groupthink”. You tell and re-tell one another the same stories about why you’re doing things the way you’re doing them, why doing it differently wouldn’t work, and why it’s the most awesome project ever (even when it doesn’t feel that way).
If any of this sounds familiar, it’s time to bring in someone who can offer an honest, external perspective. Just be sure you all agree on that person, so that everyone in the group will value—and listen to—his or her opinion.
3. Go Do Something Else
Seriously. Go watch a movie. Go play a game.  Plan a weekend trip, get away from that environment for a while. It’s normal for the human nature that when it feels something isn’t quite right, the first reaction is to want to solve the problem. Which means overthinking. In this case, resist that urge, and do the opposite. Run away from the idea for a few days, then come back to it with fresh eyes. Does it still feel wrong? If so, can you more clearly identify where that feeling is coming from?
4. Don’t Be Afraid to Scrap It
Worst case scenario, you may need to trash the whole thing. I know, it makes you nauseous just thinking about it. But maybe it also makes you a little relieved—because now, you don’t have to work so hard on something you don’t really care about or believe in anymore. Which leaves room for you to start working on that other idea that started bubbling up a few weeks ago.
Remember: Throwing in the towel doesn’t mean defeat. It means you’re creating space for something better.
So, the next time that “something-isn’t-quite-right” feeling bubbles up, don’t get mad or feel guilty. Instead, try to figure out what it’s trying to tell you. If you listen, whatever it is you’re trying to create will only be better for it ~ Alex Honeysett
Have a great day.

I honour you.

T: @ItsNicholasAE
G+: +NicholasAkomire

Thursday 19 June 2014

19/06/2014 ~ #NicholasA ~ Hold On, Pain Ends (HOPE)!

Everything in life that has a beginning, has an ending.

So many a time things do not turn out the way we want and we begin to contemplate on letting go and just flowing with the tide of life. And it is usually the easiest thing to do. 

But the truth is, it's not the best thing to do. 

In order for us to hold on in difficult times and tough situations, we must learn to ask ourselves what made us start in the first place or better still what is the expected outcome? Once you've done that then ask yourself if it is worth waiting for. 

You must remember that in life, you never really know what's coming. A small wave, or maybe a big one. All you can really do is hope that when it comes, you can surf over it, instead of drown in its monstrosity ~Alysha Speer

No wave lasts forever, no matter how strong they may be, it will definitely wear out. 

Courage isn't having the strength to go on - it is going on when you don't have strength ~ Napoleon

You might just be very close to achieving, just keep going, just keep believing that you can make. 

Every great athlete will tell you that the moment they cross the finish line in first place was not their first moment to do it.They will tell you that they've crossed that line thousands of times, heard the cheers of the crowd, felt the ribbon fall…only THIS time it was reality.

Let your mind create a mental feel of the accomplishment that you seek, live in that dream until it actually happens, it will give you the courage to hold on. 

Have a great day. 

I honour you.

T: @ItsNicholasAE 
G+: +NicholasAkomire

Wednesday 18 June 2014

18/06/2014 ~ #NicholasA ~ Once You've Achieved It, Get Better ~ Part 2!

In life, there is no limit to how much you can achieve, the limit only stands in our minds. The more you aim high, the better you become.

To help you understand this better, I will share with you a parable I read sometime back. 

The Parable of the Black Belt.  

Picture a martial artist kneeling before the master sensei in a ceremony to receive a hard-earned black belt. After years of relentless training, the student has finally reached a pinnacle of achievement in the discipline. 

"Before granting the black belt you must pass one more test," says the sensei. 

"I am ready" responded the student, expecting one final round of sparring. "You must answer the essential question: What is the true meaning of the Black Belt?" 

"The end of my journey" says the student. "A well-deserved reward for all my hard work." 

The sensei waits for more. Clearly, he is not satisfied. Finally, the sensei speaks. "You are not yet ready for the Black Belt. Return in one year." 

A year later, the student kneels again in front of the sensei. 

"What is the true meaning of the Black Belt?" asks the sensei.

"A symbol of distinction and the highest achievement in our art" says the student. 

The sensei says nothing for many minutes, waiting. Clearly he is not satisfied. Finally, he speaks. "You are still not ready for the black belt. Return in one year."

A year later, the student kneels once again in front of the sensei. And again the sensei asks: "what is the true meaning of the black belt?"

"The black belt represents the beginning - the start of a never ending journey of discipline, work and the pursuit of an ever-highest standard" says the student. 
"Yes, you are now ready to receive the black belt and begin your work."

This should be our pursuit in life: An ever-highest standard in our different discipline. 

Stay ahead, stay above. 

I honour you. 

T: @ItsNicholasAE 
G+: +NicholasA

Tuesday 17 June 2014

17/06/2014 ~ #NicholasA ~ Once You've Achieved It, Get Better!

One of my driving force in life is this: "don't look back for so long, keep doing new things, keep going on new paths, keep trying out new things, keep believing that it can always get Better". 

It is painful to see achievers of the past become mere reference to their past glory but nothing to show for the present or even future prospects. 

Someone else will do or even surpass that achievement that makes you special or unique today and then you will become less relevant.

Learn to always ask yourself, "how can I do better tomorrow than I did today?". 

William Faulkner once wrote "Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself". 

The human mind was designed to grow, your capabilities are meant to increase and your experiences should serve as the road map to new achievements. 

If you want to have an interesting life, strive to do new things. Push the limit of how far you can go, it will give you new reasons to think and feel alive. You will agree with me that it is quite boring to have to do the same thing over and over again. The truth is: there are too many people living boring lives today, do not be one of them.

Willard Marriott (Chairman Marriott, 1987) once said about his father "People will always say to my father "Gee whiz, you've done really well. Now you can rest". And he would reply, "Oh, no. Got to keep going and do it better". This made the Marriott Corporation successful over so many years. 

Don't remain a local champion, strive to be better. 

To be continued....

I honour you.

T: @ItsNicholasAE 
G+: +NicholasAkomire

Monday 16 June 2014

16/06/2014 ~ #NicholasA ~ Keep Going At It!

In life, the best achievements never come easy, they always take a lot of time and effort.

Thomas Edison invented the light bulb after several failed attempts. He never gave up but was always trying out new method once he discovered the previous method did not work. 

It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop ~ Confucius

You must learn not to torture yourself by comparing your progress speed with others. It is important to aim high and get better but do not forget that every man is unique in his or her own way. What makes you special is different from that of the next man.

The important thing is trust your abilities to pull it off and then keep going at it daily, weekly, monthly, yearly until you get it right.

Never accept NO for an answer. Never believe that because Mr. A failed in it that you cannot succeed. Find out what made him fail and have a workaround. 

If you can't find a reason to go on, read or listen to the success stories of other people, it will fire you up. 

Someone once said "do not carry the past as a burden, carry it as a school". Learn from the failures of the past to fulfill the dreams of the present. 

Everything is possible to him that believes and follow consistently on that which he believes. 

This week is before you, go and achieve.

I honour you!

T: @ItsNicholasAE 
G+: +NicholasAkomire

Sunday 15 June 2014

15/06/2014 ~ #Nicholas A. ~ Learn To Listen

Listen To Others

As humans, we have the natural tendency to always be the one talking and have others listen to us. Just as much as this is good, it must be balanced with the opposite - Listening.

There is a general saying that he who listens to others can never be taken unaware. 

Most innovations in history happened  as a result of meeting a need in the society. You will not know what people need if you do not listen to them. 

Someone once wrote "successful companies and individuals are not primarily the result of brilliant foresight and grand ideas, but largely as consequences of a basic process - namely, try a lot of experiments, seize opportunities, keep those that work well, and fix or discard those that don't. 

The key principle is: Listen to anyone with an original idea, no matter how absurd it might sound at first. 

Your next big successful project might just start from someone's complaint or recommendation. 

Finally, listen to your thoughts. Give room for your imaginations to run wild. The mind holds great capabilities if only you let it talk to you. 

Everything is possible to him that believes. Be a believer.

Happy Sunday.

It's time to thank God for a successful week.

I honour you!

T: @ItsNicholasAE 
G+: +NicholasAkomire

Saturday 14 June 2014

14/06/2014 ~ #NicholasA Self Discipline - Part 2!

The issue of discipline has become very crucial in our current society hence it needs to be emphasized.

Today you can hardly go by a street without finding "pregnant men". This is a result of an undisciplined life style (eating too much, wrong eating times, too much alcohol and lack of exercise). The funny part of it is that a good number of these folks think it's enjoyment but in the true sense, they are gradually killing their organs.

In another aspect, it is only an undisciplined man or woman that would jump into a conversation he or she is not called into. You and your opinion would be more valued if they are sought.

There is a general belief that the wise are usually the last to speak during a discussion. This is so because they listen to everyone's opinion and get more ideas to form better opinions before talking. It takes discipline to achieve this.

An undisciplined man or woman is like a broken dam, it's water which was meant to be a blessing becomes an agent of great destruction to the people around it.

Your abilities and gifts are like the water in the dam, when they flow through the right course (discipline) they bring joy to everyone it meets.
Once you discover the areas in your life where you need to be more disciplined, do not hesitate to begin at it.

It takes bravery to recognise where in your life you are your own poison... it takes courage to do something about it ~ Steve Maraboli

You are more valuable than you think, do not underestimate yourself. 

Have a wonderful weekend relaxation and celebration.

I honour you!

T: @ItsNicholasAE
G+: +NicholasAkomire

Friday 13 June 2014

An Advice from A Sierra Loene Citizen to All Nigerians

He is not a Nigerian, but he has a good insight into our Issue.
Here is what he has to say:
"I don't think you guys know what you are playing with. 
You can call each other names and laugh about it now but when you end up inciting hate here as I read through your posts here and a real civil war start in your country you will regret what you are doing now. 
Your religious and political leaders are trying to divide you between religious lines and you are helping them do that rather than standing up and say we are all Nigerians never mind your tribe, region or religion. 
That's the only stand that will save your blessed nation. The foreign powers pushing the government to take certain decisions will abandon you when you start killing each other and reject you from running to their countries so be careful. 
Our 11 years of war in Sierra Leone was not even based on religious or tribal difference and see what we did to our country. The worst conflicts are those based on tribal and religious differences. See central Africa, Bosnia. 
My heart bleeds when I read what you guys are saying because
I know what this will lead to. You will be the loosers all of you whether Christian, Muslim, ibo, yoruba or hausa. Stand as one and save your nation together bcos you have only one Nigeria that has the potential to lead Africa. 


13/06/2014 ~ #NicholasA ~ Self Discipline!

Self-discipline begins with the mastery of your thoughts.
If you don't control what you think,
you can't control what you do.
Simply, self-discipline enables you
to think first and act afterward ~ Napoleon Hill

Talent without discipline is like an octopus on roller skates.
There's plenty of movement, but you never know if it's going to be forward, backwards, or sideways ~ Jackson Brown, Jr.

Life is full of many choices at every single time but not all of those choices will bring you what you want. Your ability to discipline yourself would lead you to making the right choices today that would give a fulfilled tomorrow.

Being disciplined is probably one of the hardest thing you could do for yourself but once you've been able to develop that culture, it becomes a second nature.

Self discipline starts with everyday little decisions and grows into a nature. Decisions like sticking to your bed time, not being in certain places when it is not necessary, knowing when to talk and when to just listen, scheduling your tasks to better meet your goals, thinking things through before drawing conclusions etc.

When you are disciplined you gain the respect of the people around you.

To be continued...

Always remember, your mind is powerful, never underestimate your abilities.

I honour you. 

Have a great day!

T: @ItsNicholasAE
G+: +NicholasAkomire

Thursday 12 June 2014

12/6/2014 ~ #NicholasA ~ Be Confident Enough In Your Ability!

“To be a top performer you have to be passionately committed to what you’re doing and insanely confident in your ability to pull it off.“ ~John Eliot 

In ancient times when horses were used for battles, there is a finding that horses can feel the fear or confidence of their riders and when charging into battle, they behave based on what they sense in their riders. And this leads to either victory or defeat.

In pursuing your goals, other than focusing and being committed to it's course, you also must trust your own ability to do it. This helps your thinking process and give you a feel of the completed project even before it's done. You can see the end result in mind and start working towards it.

But when you are not confident of yourself to pull it off, you mind begins to create a 'failure' syndrome that translates into the actions you take to achieving the project. You may even kill it before it's ever started.

Don't forget, people will get motivated to do more if they see you pull of a seemingly difficult project.

Finally, Always be positive, patient and persistent!

I honour you.

T: @ItsNicholasAE
G+: +NicholasAkomire

Wednesday 11 June 2014

11/6/2014 ~ #NicholasA ~ Time Flies, But You Are It's Pilot!

We've all at one time or the other come to realize how fast time seem to run when we have important things to do and how slow they seem to go when we are less active. The truth is: it's speed is constant, we only didn't make the best of it. 

To pilot your time and have more control over how it flies, try the following: 

1. In the mornings, try and write out all you need to achieve for that day. It helps you to be your own "Boss".

2. Schedule less time for important tasks.This seems counterintuitive, but it isn’t in practice. When you limit how much time you give yourself to work on important tasks, you force yourself to expend more energy over less time so you can get the tasks done faster

3. Quit watching TV ~ You can catch up on this during Bed times and weekends. But don't go too late into the night and have less time for sleep. It will affect the next day.

4. Keep a time diary to help reclaim lost time

5. Say no to commitments that zap you of your time, energy, and attention especially the ones that do not pay the "bills" ~ Chris Bailey

Always be positive, patient and persistent!

I honour you.

T: @ItsNicholasAE
G+: +NicholasAkomire

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Productivity = Time + Energy + Attention

The only way to become more productive is to put in the TIME and ENERGY, and direct 100% of your ATTENTION to what you want to get done ~ Chris Bailey

Dreaming to achieve a goal is the first step, putting in the energy, time and attention that is needed to turn that goal into reality is key the key to a successful goal.

Success never happens by mistake, it's a product that results from consistent sacrifice and commitment to a course. If productivity is what you seek then you must put in the energy, the time and give full attention to your goals.

Remember, you are not what happened to you, you are what you choose to become. You are what you do, not what you say you'll do.

Always be positive, patient and persistent!

I honour you.

T: @ItsNicholasAE
G+: +NicholasAkomire

Monday 9 June 2014

The People Around You!

Surround yourself with the dreamers and the doers, the believers and the thinkers, but most of all, surround yourself with those who see greatness within you, even when you don't see it yourself ~ Edmund Lee

I make progress by having people around me who are smarter than I am and listening to them. And I assume that everyone is smarter about something than I am.
~Henry J. Kaiser

The people you listen to, interact with, spend time with can either push you to pursuing your dream's or derail you from them. If they are not inspiring, if they don't cause you to become uncomfortable with your Status quo, if they do not spark ideas in you, then you need to change them. You can only aspire and go far depending on what you hear and see around you. Who are those around you? Who are those you listen to? Choose wisely....
Good morning.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend relaxation and celebration.
I honour you.

Twitter: @ItsNicholasAE 

The People Around You ~ Part 2

Someone once explained something to me that illustrates this concept very well. He told me that as people catch crabs, they'll toss the crustaceans into a basket. If you have only one crab in the basket you need a lid to keep it from crawling out, but if you've got two or more, you don't. When there are several crabs, they will drag one another down so that none of them can get away.

A lot of unsuccessful people act the same way. They'll do things to keep others from getting ahead. But the good news is that if you observe someone trying to do that, you don't have to buy into their belief system.

So many a time we get comfortable with this, we tell ourselves we can't when we have not actually tried cos we are looking at the people around us and none has been able to do it. The truth is this, when you are really tired of the Status Quo, you will break free.

You can get out and stay out of the basket by refusing to be a crab.

Good morning.

I pray you have a wonderful Sunday service. God deserves all our praises.

I honour you.


Twitter: @ItsNicholasAE


Balance activity with serenity, wealth with simplicity, persistence with innovation, community with solitude, familiarity with adventure, constancy with change, leading with following, being of service - both to this generation and to generations yet unborn - with renewing your vitality by play and celebration ~ JLHuie.

Like the saying goes "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy". The ability to keep a balance on the activities and things you do will keep you at your best productivity. 

Don't spend all time working that you can't find time to relax and take the edge off neither should you play too much and not find time to focus on your projects and tasks. 

Don't change too much that you loose your core values neither should you be constant that you cannot embrace innovations but this you should do, always preserve your core values but stimulate progress. Good morning. 

Have a great week ahead. 
I honour you. 

Twitter: @ItsNicholasAE