Monday 23 June 2014

23/06/2014 ~#NicholasA ~ The Makers, The Wonderers, The Watchers

In every society you find these people: The Makers, The Wonderers, The Watchers. 

The Makers are the change agent. They have dreams and they pursue these dream with all they’ve got. They have the mindset that every other thing they have is to help them achieve that dream and they go all out at it. And they create new things, new achievements, new heights, and new possibilities, new rules. They are never afraid to fail and whenever they do, they pick themselves up and have a go at it again. They make history.

The Wonderers are always amazed at new things, they want to know how it happened and what made it happen. They are fascinated and will quickly embrace it if given the opportunity but they will never create anything new themselves. They are the history tellers.

The Watchers are not bothered about new things. They do not dream it neither will they venture into it. They are always satisfied with whatever state they are in. They never want to be stressed cos’ they are too afraid to fail. 

Someone once said that “teachers teach the rules, but winners make them”. Do you wake up everyday to teach the rules or you are working hard at creating one for someone else to teach?

“It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishments rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things ~ Leonardo da Vinci.

Don’t let things happen to you, go happen to things. 

Confession: I work towards my success every day.

Have an awesome Week Ahead!

I Honour you!

T: @ItsNicholasAE 
G+: +NicholasAkomire

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