Tuesday 17 June 2014

17/06/2014 ~ #NicholasA ~ Once You've Achieved It, Get Better!

One of my driving force in life is this: "don't look back for so long, keep doing new things, keep going on new paths, keep trying out new things, keep believing that it can always get Better". 

It is painful to see achievers of the past become mere reference to their past glory but nothing to show for the present or even future prospects. 

Someone else will do or even surpass that achievement that makes you special or unique today and then you will become less relevant.

Learn to always ask yourself, "how can I do better tomorrow than I did today?". 

William Faulkner once wrote "Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself". 

The human mind was designed to grow, your capabilities are meant to increase and your experiences should serve as the road map to new achievements. 

If you want to have an interesting life, strive to do new things. Push the limit of how far you can go, it will give you new reasons to think and feel alive. You will agree with me that it is quite boring to have to do the same thing over and over again. The truth is: there are too many people living boring lives today, do not be one of them.

Willard Marriott (Chairman Marriott, 1987) once said about his father "People will always say to my father "Gee whiz, you've done really well. Now you can rest". And he would reply, "Oh, no. Got to keep going and do it better". This made the Marriott Corporation successful over so many years. 

Don't remain a local champion, strive to be better. 

To be continued....

I honour you.

T: @ItsNicholasAE 
G+: +NicholasAkomire

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