Saturday 28 June 2014

28/06/2014 ~ Love People for Who They Are!

Every human created by God was designed unique and was destined to fulfill a purpose, be it major or minor.

Though so many things happens along the way that might change the original uniqueness of some persons, we all still carry that seed of greatness.

Oprah Winfrey once wrote "Love people for who they are instead of judging them for who they are not."

This has become the easiest thing to do in today's society and it has created more problems and hatred than good. We amplify the incompetencies we see in others without giving them credit for the good in them.

Someone said "people will remember the bad things about you for a long time but your good nature will easily be forgotten". This should not be so.

If our desire is to live in a society of harmony and peace, we must learn to develop love and respect for every individual that comes around us.

We must try to focus on the good in them while we encourage them to become better in the areas where they have been bad rather than labeling them such.

Just like the bible has said "Love thy neighbor as thyself", lets develop that nature that loves. We can't have the world becoming a 'better place' if we all run around with hatred for each other.

Let Love lead the way.

Have a fun filled Saturday!

I honour you.

T: @ItsNicholasAE
G+: +NicholasAkomire

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